The Web From 2012 to 2016

When Bootstrap took over the whole web.

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Media Queries
W3C specification for the use of CSS3 Media Queries
Google Now
feature of Google Search of the Google app for Android and iOS
Bear 71
multi-user and multi-platform interactive web documentary, by the National Film Board of Canada
Chrome Web Lab
collaboration of Google with the London Science Museum featuring web-based experiences, by Google Creative Lab
Mind Scaletrix
wearing a headset and the power of their mind users could control toy cars in a online racing, by BReel/Microsoft
Image Atlas
focus the differences and similarities across local image search engine results in countries throughout the world, by Taryn Simon and Aaron Swartz


Bootstrap 3
CSS framework focused on responsive web layout, mobile-first access and flat design style, by GitHub
open-source, front end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components.
Written in the Stars
mobile browser experience using the gyroscope with Massive Attack soundtrack, by AKQA
Lincoln Presents Hello, Again
interactive 360º music experience in a Beck show, by Within
Cube Slam
first online game using the webcam without plugin, by Google Creative Lab
DIS Image
agency and web platform that commissioned and licensed artist-made images, by Lauren Boyle, Solomon Chase, Marco Roso, David Toro, and collaborators


open-source model-view-controller front end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and singlepage applications.
Material Design
consistent visual style by Google
W3C specification for the HTML5 markup language with improvements in multimedia playback support, new semantic tags and offline application support
World Under Water
dystopic website about climate change, by BBDO Proximity/Zeno Group
Build with Chrome
Lego community builds website, by North Kingdom
Chrome Experiments for Cardboard
first VR experience for mobile, by Google


Microsoft Edge
web browser for Windows 10 later based on Chromium open source rendering engine
Progressive web application (PWA)
type of application software delivered through the web, built using common web technologies
Google Jump
Virtual Reality (VR) for filmmaking is launched
Inside Abbey Road
website using 3D-scan, by Google Creative Lab
In Pieces
online interactive exhibition showing endangered species, by Bryan James
Assassin's Creed Unity
participatory website using fans’ avatars, by Sid Lee Paris
Material Speculation
ISIS : reproduction of 3D-printed replicas of a set of twelve artifacts, destroyed in 2015 by ISIS, by Morehshin Allahyari


Angular 2.0
a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework, by Google.
Google Assistant
artificial intelligence–powered virtual assistant, by Google
Google Play Music: Through the Dark
mobile interactive movie animation, by R/GA
Star Wars: Lightsaber Escape
online game where the mobile works as the lightsaber, by Unit9
Quick, Draw!
early website using web-based machine learning and AI, by Google Creative Lab
Death Imitates Language
online gallery showing cumulative images of a computer-driven composition system, by Harm van den Dorpel